Best In Stock Block Plugin for


Best WooCommerce In-Stock Product Block, In-Stock Product Block With Custom Icons, Gutenberg In-Stock Product Block, Customizable In-Stock Product Text, Ecommerce Product Stock Display, and More.

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4.5 Star Rating

2,531,647+ Total Downloads

List Of Features

  • Custom Wrapper Tag
  • Custom In Stock Text
  • Custom Out of Stock Text
  • Custom Backorder Text
  • Font Awesome Icon
  • IconFont Support
  • Bootstrap Icon Support
  • Icon Position Options
  • Custom Prefix Pro!
  • Custom Postfix Pro!
  • Advanced Style Component
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Block Variations
  • CSS Library
  • Custom Class Support
  • Dynamic Class Name Pro!
  • Advanced CSS property Pro!
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!


Custom Prefix and Postfix

Our custom Prefix and Postfix option offer additional flexibility to add more information and context to your product displays.

Custom Text Support

Craft your own In Stock, Out of Stock, and Backorder messages! Say “Ready to Go” for hot sellers or “Coming Soon!” for pre-orders.

Custom Class

Custom classes are important to make your HTML design more modular, reusable, and maintainable. We’ve the option to put custom classes on our “In Stock” Gutenberg block.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any coding knowledge to use this block?

Absolutely not! Our block is designed to be user-friendly for everyone, regardless of technical expertise. You can customize everything with simple interface options, no coding required.

Can I change the font style and color of the stock status message?

Absolutely! Our block offers comprehensive styling options, allowing you to adjust the font family, size, and color to match your brand aesthetic.