Best Stock Quantity Block Plugin for WordPress

Best Product Stock Quantity Gutenberg Block, Product Stock Quantity, Dynamic Product Stock Quantity, WordPress Stock Quantity, and More.

7000+Support Issue Solved

4.5 Star Rating

2,531,647+ Total Downloads

List Of Features

  • Custom Wrapper Tag
  • Block visibility conditions
  • Dynamic Class Pro!
  • Custom Class Support
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!
  • Custom Prefix
  • Custom Postfix Pro!
  • Advnaced Style Component
  • Advnace CSS property Pro!
  • Custom Icon Pro!
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Block Variation
  • CSS Library


Link Option

The link option on the “product stock quantity” is important because customers can access more detailed information about the stock, such as availability in different sizes or colors. With the help of our product Stock Quantity block, you can set a custom or dynamic URL on your product stock quantity.

Custom Icon With Position Option

Sometimes it’s important to have the control to customize icon position to create a more balanced and visually appealing layout. Not only we’ve options to set a custom icon but also you can customize the icon position.

Custom Style for Prefix and Postfix

Different styles offer greater flexibility when designing the appearance of your product stock quantity prefix and postfix. We’ve included our Style Component under the prefix and postfix option so you can create a unique and user-friendly design.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the quantity of product in stock?

“Quantity in Stock” simply means the number of products a store currently has available for purchase. It’s independent of live order data but gets updated based on received invoices.

Does displaying product stock benefit my business?

Displaying stock quantity on a product page has both positive and negative effects. It can increase sales by creating a sense of urgency for limited stock and establishing trust through transparency. However, it may deter purchases for items with consistently low stock, or feel manipulative if used in an inauthentic manner.

How to hide stock quantity in WooCommerce?

You can hide the quantity information on WooCommerce product pages by adding custom CSS code to your theme’s stylesheet. Or, if you’re using the Combo Blocks plugin to manage stock information on product pages, you can leverage its built-in visibility settings to show or hide the stock quantity block.

Get Started Building Fantastic Blogs, News Magazine Websites, and More!

Using the Combo Blocks Gutenberg plugin, you may create the websites of your dreams.