Best Terms Field Block Plugin for WordPress

Query Taxonomy Terms Fields, Best WordPress Terms Field Block, Gutenberg Terms Field Block Plugin, Custom Terms Field and More.

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List Of Features

  • Query by term ID
  • Query by Name
  • Query by Slug Pro!
  • Query by Description
  • Query by Count Pro!
  • Query by custom Meta Key Pro!
  • Custom wrapper tag
  • Custom URL option Pro!
  • Custom prefix Pro!
  • Custom postfix Pro!
  • UTM tracking option Pro!
  • Block Variations
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Advanced CSS property Pro!
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!


Terms Field Options

Easily get accurate and efficient query from various term field! Select from various options, including ID, name, slug, description, post count, and custom meta keys.

Custom and Dynamic Link Options

Not only can you set a custom URL for your terms, but we also have an option to link dynamic URLs that maintain consistency and avoid broken links.

Custom Prefix and Postfix

Our Prefix and Postfix feature lets you personalize generated content with your specific details, crafting unique experiences for your audience.

UTM Tracking Option

We also have implemented UTM tracking to monitor your overall marketing strategy. You can experiment with different campaigns and monitor the results to optimize your marketing efforts.

Custom Class

We have added custom class option to our ‘Terms Field’ block, which will make your HTML design more modular, reusable, and maintainable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the terms in WordPress?
A taxonomy term is a sub-category item within a taxonomy. You can assign multiple terms to the same post, which helps in organizing content. It is worth noting that a single post can have terms from different taxonomies.
What is taxonomy term in WordPress?
WordPress Taxonomy is a useful method for organizing different types of content on a website into categories and tags. This helps users to navigate the website more easily. Taxonomies in WordPress include categories, tags, and custom taxonomies, which can be modified to suit specific website requirements.
Why use taxonomy in WordPress?
Users have the option to sort and filter the information available to them, enabling them to find precisely what they are looking for. Similarly, tags are employed to categorize specific subjects on your website. This WordPress taxonomy proves to be beneficial when looking for specific posts that pertain to particular topics that may span multiple categories.

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Using the Combo Blocks Gutenberg plugin, you may create the websites of your dreams.