Gutenberg blocks can be shown or hidden based on over 90 different conditions. If any of these conditions are met, the block will appear.
User Logged
Show a block only when a user is logged in.
User Not Logged
Only display the block when a user is not logged in.
User Roles
Display the block when a user has specific roles.
User Ids
Display block when a user has specific IDs.
Is Category
Only display the block on category pages.
Is Tag
Only display the block on tag page.
Is Page
Show the block only for the post type “page.”
Is Single
Display a block for any single page.
Is Home
Display block only on the home page.
Is Front Page
Display a block for the admin-selected front page.
Is Posts Page
Display a block for the admin-selected post page.
Is Comments Open
Display a block if a post page has comments open.
Is Post Archive
Show a block for all post archive pages.
Is Archive
Show a block for all archive pages.
Is Years
Display a block for specific years.
Is Months
Display a block for specific months.
Is Week Day
Display block on a specific weekday.
Is Hours
Display a block at a specific hour.
Is Date
URL String
Check if a URL contains a certain string.
URL Prams
Check if a URL contains a certain parameter.
Referrer Exist
By setting up custom referred domains, you can track where a visitor came from before landing on your site.
User Capability
Display a block based on user capability on a post, check if the user can read, edit, or delete the post.
Post Ids
Display a block on a specific post by setting up the post IDs.
Term Ids
Display a block on a term page(category) by setting up the term IDs.
Author Ids
Display a block for a specific post author by setting up author IDs.
Is Sticky
Check if a post is sticky and display a block conditionally based on this.
Is Post Hierarchical
Check if a page has parent-child support and display a block based on this condition.
Is Page Template
Display a block for a specific page template by passing the PHP file name.
Is Tax
Show a block on a taxonomy page. It could be a custom category or product, etc.
Is Author
Display blocks for specific post authors.
Is Multi Author
Display the block only for multi-author sites.
Is Date
Display block only on the date archive page.
Is Year
Show a block only on the year archive page.
Is Month
Display block only on the month archive page.
Is Day
Display block on the day archive page.
Is Time
Show a block on the time archive page.
Is NewDay
Display block for new day post
Is Search
Conditionally display a block on the search page based on the user’s search term.
Is 404
Display a block when a user requests a page that isn’t available.
Is Attachment
Show a block on the attachment single page.
Is Singular
Display a block only on the single post page.
Is MainQuery
Is Feed
Display block only on the XML feed page.
Is Trackback
Is Preview
Display a block only on the WordPress preview page.
Has Excerpt
Show a block if the excerpt is available.
Has NavMenu
Display the block only if a navigation menu is present.
Is Rtl
Display a block conditionally for right-to-left (RTL) sites, specifically for languages written from right to left.
Has Post Thumbnail
Check whether a single blog post has a featured image.
Is User Logged In
Is Main Site
This condition is specially used for multi-sites to check if it’s the main site.
Has Term
Check if a post or product has an available term such as a category or tag.
Is Taxonomy Hierarchical
This condition checks if a category or taxonomy has parent-child support.
Taxonomy Exists
This condition checks if a custom or product category is available.
Has Post Parent
Check if the current post has a parent post.
Is WooCommerce Account
Display a block only on the WooCommerce account page.
Is WooCommerce Shop
Display a block only on the WooCommerce shop page.
WooCommerce – Has Up-sells
You can ensure a block is displayed on those product pages where upselling is enabled.
WooCommerce – Has Cross-sells
Show the block only if cross-sells are enabled on the product page.
WooCommerce – is Cart Page
Display the block only on the WooCommerce cart page.
WooCommerce – is checkout page
Display the block only on the WooCommerce checkout page.
WooCommerce – is on sale
Show the block only the product pages that have a sale price.
WooCommerce – is in stock
Show the block until a WooCommerce product is out of stock.
WooCommerce – product Type
Display block conditionally based on the WooCommerce product type.
Has Cookie
You can check for a specific cookie by passing the cookie name and display block based on the conditions.
Has Post Comments
Display a block based on the number of comments in a post.
Has User Comments
This action checks if the currently logged-in user has posted a comment on the entire site and displays a block based on this.
Has User Comments On Post
This action checks whether the current user has commented on a specific post and displays a block based on this.
Post Types
Display block for specific post type.
Page Types
Display block for specific page type.
Post Has Terms
You can check if the post has a specific term by passing the term slug or ID.
Has Post Categories
Has Post Tags
Has Post Format
Has Meta
Check if a post has specific post meta.
Has Block
You can check if a post or page has a specific block in its content.
Has Action
Check if an action hook has been triggered on the current post or page.
Has Blocks
You can check if a post or page contains Gutenberg blocks by providing their name.
Has Filter
Check if a filter hook has been triggered on the current post or page.
Has Shortcode
By providing the shortcode name, you can check if the post or page contains that specific shortcode.
Has SiteIcon
You can verify the availability of the site icon and then display a block based on this.
Has TermMeta
You can check if a category page terms contains specific meta.
Has CustomLogo
You can display a block by checking if the website admin has uploaded a custom logo.
Has Header Image
Display block by checking if a page contains the header image.
Has Header Video
Display block by checking if a page contains the header video.
Has Custom Header
You can display block by checking if a page has a custom header.
User Can
Display a block when a user has specific roles.
Author Can
Display a block based on the author’s roles.
has PMPro Levels
Display block based on Paid Membership Pro levels.
Has Memberpress Memberships
Display block based on MemberPress membership levels.