Best Breadcrumb Block Plugin for WordPress

Create Gutenberg Breadcrumb Block, Breadcrumb Block Plugin for WordPress, Dynamic Breadcrumb, Breadcrumb Builder, WooCommerce Breadcrumb Builder, and More.

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List Of Features

  • Styles Component support
  • Custom wrapper tag
  • Custom Icon with position
  • Custom Label with position
  • Custom Seperator
  • Variety of elements support
  • Post Term Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Author Name – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Rankmath Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Search Terms – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Tag Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Category Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Custom text element
  • Home page link – dynamic element
  • Front page link – dynamic element
  • Posts page link – dynamic element
  • Post Title – dynamic element
  • Post Author – dynamic element
  • Post Date – dynamic element
  • WooCommerce support
  • Custom text option
  • Term Ancestors
  • Custom URL option
  • Responsive support
  • Post ID – dynamic element
  • Post Category – dynamic element
  • Post Tag – dynamic element
  • Term Title – dynamic element
  • WooCommerce Shop – dynamic element
  • WooCommerce Account – dynamic element
  • Search Text – dynamic element
  • Archive Title – dynamic element
  • 404 Text – dynamic element
  • Date Text – dynamic element
  • Author Name – dynamic element
  • Post Anchestors – dynamic element Pro!
  • Post Categories – dynamic element Pro!
  • Post Tags – dynamic element Pro!
  • Post Term – dynamic element Pro!
  • Post Terms – dynamic element Pro!
  • Term Parents – dynamic element Pro!
  • Term Ancestors – dynamic element Pro!
  • WooCommerce Cart – dynamic element Pro!
  • Woo Checkout – dynamic element Pro!
  • Display Icon Pro!
  • Enable Schema Pro!
  • Schema enable or disable option
  • Block Variations
  • CSS Library
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Advanced CSS property Pro!
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!

30+ Breadcrumb Element

So far, we’ve added 30+ dynamic and custom elements that you can use as breadcrumb items. For each element, you have complete control over the visual style: customize the wrapper, add icons, adjust separators, refine labels, and define URLs. Scroll down to explore all the awesome elements you can use right now!


Create a Custom Breadcrumb Label using text and also you can personalize them further with icons, links, and custom URLs.

Home Page Link

Dynamic home page link helps your breadcrumb up-to-date automatically. Plus, it’s possible to personalize labels, icons, and custom URLs.

Front Page Link

Dynamic front page link helps your breadcrumb up-to-date automatically. Plus, it’s possible to personalize labels, icons, and custom URLs.

Post Page Link

Post Title

The Post Title element automatically displays the current post title in your breadcrumbs. You can also personalize it further with a custom label, URL, and icon.

Post Author

This dynamic post author breadcrumb element displays the author name and you can personalize it further with a custom label, URL, and icon.

Post Date

Showcase the post’s publish date directly in your breadcrumbs. You can also customize the display format, label, URL, and icon for a personalized touch.

Post Day

Showcase the post’s publish day directly in your breadcrumbs. You can also customize the display format, label, URL, and icon for a personalized touch.

Post Month

Showcase the post’s published month directly in your breadcrumbs. You can also customize the display format, label, URL, and icon for a personalized touch.

Post Year

Showcase the post’s published year directly in your breadcrumbs. You can also customize the display format, label, URL, and icon for a personalized touch.

WooCommerce Shop

Easily add the WooCommerce shop page link to your breadcrumbs. You can further customize it with a custom label, icon, or even a different URL.

Post ID

This element allows you to display the current post ID in your breadcrumb. You can further customize it with a custom label, URL, and icon.

Post Category

Include the current post’s category name in your breadcrumbs. You can personalize it further with a custom label, icon, or URL.

Post Tag

This element allows you to display the current post’s tag within your breadcrumbs. You can personalize it further with a custom label, icon, or URL.

Post Term

Post term breadcrumb element integrates with WordPress taxonomy that you can display and personalize further with a custom label, icon, and URL.

Post Terms

Post terms breadcrumb element integrates with WordPress taxonomies categories and tags that you can display and personalize them further with a custom label, icon, and URL.

Term Title

Easily display the term title in your breadcrumb and personalize it with a custom label, icon, and URL.

Term Parents

Query and display the term parent name and personalize it further with a custom label, icon, and URL.

Term Ancestors

Query and display the term ancestors and personalize it further with a custom label, icon, and URL.

Custom Label and URL

Under each breadcrumb element, you’ll find the options to add a custom label and link. The items are draggable so you can change the position of breadcrumb items by dragging with a mouse.

Custom Separator

Separators clearly distinguish the individual breadcrumb items, making it easier for users to scan and understand the navigational structure of the website. From our block settings, you’ll find an option called Separator. Here you can customize the separator and add styles on the Styles tab.

Custom Icon

Custom icons enhance the usability and visual appeal of Breadcrumb Items. While it’s not strictly essential, incorporating icons into breadcrumbs can significantly improve the user experience. So far, we’ve included three different icon libraries Font AwesomeIconFont, and Bootstrap Icons, to choose from. Also, there is an option called ‘Icon Position‘ to change the position of icons.

Custom Style

We have included a maximum number of CSS properties on our Styles Component that can help you apply custom styles. This Styles feature is so advanced that you can also customize CSS states like hover and add styles.

Breadcrumb Schema

Our Breadcrumb block can automatically generate Schema which is really helpful for SEO. Breadcrumb schema is a type of structured data markup that can be used to mark up breadcrumb items on a website. This markup helps search engines understand the structure of the content and how it is organized.
From the Breadcrumb block option settings, you can quickly enable or disable Schema.

Custom Class

Custom classes are important to make your HTML design more modular, reusable, and maintainable. We’ve the option to put custom classes on our Breadcrumb Gutenberg block.

Third-Party Integrations

Now you can integrate third-party plugins with breadcrumbs to control the data displayed and how it’s integrated. We’ve already integrated over 10 third-party plugins.


WooCommerce is a free and open-source eCommerce platform that is powered by WordPress and supported by a global community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a breadcrumb on a website?

Breadcrumb is a secondary navigation that helps users understand the structure of a website and how to get back to previous pages. Breadcrumbs are especially useful for large or complex websites. It can also be beneficial for SEO. Search engines use breadcrumbs to understand the structure of a website and index its pages more effectively. This can lead to improved SEO rankings and increased visibility in search results.

Do breadcrumbs affect SEO?

Breadcrumbs have both SEO and user experience benefits. It helps search engines to understand which pages on your website are related to each other. This helps search engines to crawl and index your website more effectively, which can lead to improved SEO rankings.

What is the best way to add breadcrumb in WordPress?

The best way is to use a plugin. There are many different breadcrumb plugins available for WordPress but the best one is Combo Blocks.
This plugin offers a block called Breadcrumb. From the block inserter search and insert the block. Now from the block settings, you can add and customize the wrapper, icons, separators, labels, and URLs.

Get Started Building Fantastic Blogs, News Magazine Websites, and More!

Using the Combo Blocks Gutenberg plugin, you may create the websites of your dreams.