Best Post Excerpt Block Plugin for WordPress

Create Dynamic Post Excerpt, Search Engine Friendly Post Excerpts for Improved SEO, Post Excerpt BlockBest WordPress Post Excerpt Block PluginGutenberg Post Excerpt Block and More.

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List Of Features

  • CSS library for each element
  • Custom wrapper tag
  • Post excerpt link target
  • Post Excerpt link to custom URL
  • Custom prefix Pro!
  • Custom postfix Pro!
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!
  • Current Date – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Term Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Post Term Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Author Name – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Post excerpt text limit by word
  • Post excerpt text limit by character
  • Remove blocks from excerpt text
  • Remove shortcode text from excerpt text
  • Keep HTML on excerpt text
  • Auto paragraph for except text.
  • Rankmath Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Search Terms – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Custom fields excerpt source Pro!
  • Limit by character Pro!
  • Custom HTML Pro!
  • Read more text Link target
  • Custom Attribute
  • Block Transform feature
  • Custom read more text
  • Read more links to custom URL
  • Advance CSS style
  • Block Variations
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Advanced CSS property Pro!

Custom Tag Options

We provide the flexibility to customize the HTML tag as well! We have included h1 to h6, Div, and P tag that you can choose from. This will let you write an SEO-optimized post excerpt.

Advanced Prefix and Postfix

Advanced prefix and postfix let you add custom text before and after the post excerpt without editing the main post excerpt text. This way you can take advantage of writing creative post excerpt, SEO-optimized post excerpt, informative post excerpt, etc.

Custom Attributes

Custom attributes are sometimes useful for creating advanced SEO-optimized post excerpt and JavaScript uses. On the post excerpt block, you can easily add custom attributes from options.

Dynamic Class

Dynamic class in CSS is useful if you want to change the style dynamically. For example if you set the Current Year option the class name will change depending on the year changes.

HTML in Excerpt

Sometimes you might want to write HTML on excerpt to improve readability and visual appearance or better search engine optimization(SEO). Our Keep HTML option on Post Excerpt Block allows you to do exactly that.

Advanced Read More

Our advanced Read More option allows you to add “read more” text with the capability to set custom URL, attributes, and dynamic class. You can also apply CSS styles under the Styles Component without writing CSS code.

Limit By Options

The long post-excerpt is sometimes messy and hard to keep in a small area, That’s why it is needed to limit post-excerpt text by word or character, so we added both options for you to create an initiative post-excerpt block.

Advanced Excerpt Sources

You can pull excerpts from different sources, set a Limit Count, and add Styles. So far, we have added auto, excerpt, content, and custom field options under Excerpt Source.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is post excerpt in WordPress?

In WordPress, a post excerpt is a brief overview of your lengthier article. It works like a teaser for your complete blog post. Instead of showing the entire content of each post, this summary is generally displayed on archive pages (such as category or tag listings) and sometimes on your homepage.

How to write blog post excerpts?

Here are some tips for writing effective blog post excerpts:

Keep it short and sweet: Your excerpt should be brief and to the point, ideally no more than a few sentences or a short paragraph.

Focus on the main point: Your excerpt should summarize the main point or idea of your post, so readers can quickly understand what it’s about.

Use an attention-grabbing headline: Your excerpt should include a headline that hooks the reader and makes them want to click through to read more.

Use active language: Use strong verbs and descriptive language to make your excerpt engaging and compelling.

Don’t give away too much: Your excerpt should give readers a taste of what your post is about, but not reveal all of its content. You want to leave some surprises for readers who click through to read the full post.

Edit and revise: Make sure to edit and revise your excerpt to ensure it’s clear, concise, and compelling.

Consider SEO: If you’re writing for search engine optimization (SEO), include relevant keywords in your excerpt to help it rank higher in search engine results pages. However, don’t sacrifice readability or coherence for the sake of SEO.

What is Post Excerpt

A post excerpt is a short summary or description of a blog post or article that appears on the homepage or archive pages of a website. It typically includes the most important points or ideas of the post, along with a teaser or hook to encourage readers to click through and read the full post.

The excerpt can be automatically generated by the website platform or can be manually entered by the author of the post. The purpose of the post excerpt is to give readers a quick overview of what the post is about and to entice them to read more.

What is the standard length of the post excerpt?

The standard length of a post excerpt can vary depending on the platform or content management system being used. However, in general, a post excerpt is usually between 55 and 100 words long. This length is typically long enough to provide a brief summary of the post’s content while remaining short enough to encourage readers to click through to the full article.

It’s worth noting that some platforms may have different requirements or recommendations for post excerpts. For example, WordPress, a popular content management system, recommends that post excerpts be between 55 and 150 words long. Ultimately, the ideal length for a post excerpt will depend on factors such as the content of the post, the platform being used, and the audience being targeted.

How to write SEO-optimized post excerpt

Here are some tips for writing an SEO-optimized post excerpt:

Keep it concise: Your post excerpt should be short and to the point. Aim for 55-100 words if possible. This ensures that your readers get a quick overview of what your post is about without losing interest.

Use relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your post excerpt to help search engines understand what your post is about. However, avoid keyword stuffing or overusing keywords, as this can hurt your SEO.

Focus on the main topic: Your post excerpt should give readers an idea of what your post is about. Focus on the main topic and highlight the most important information.

Be descriptive: Use descriptive language to make your post excerpt more engaging. Use words that pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to click through to the full post.

Include a call-to-action: Add a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your post excerpt to encourage readers to click through to the full post. For example, you could say something like “Read more” or “Learn more” to prompt readers to take action.

Test and refine: Test different variations of your post excerpt to see which performs best. Refine your approach based on what works and what doesn’t to improve your SEO over time.

How to Limit the Post Excerpt?

Our post excerpt block has the feature to limit by word count or character count, please see this documentation

How to keep HTML in the post excerpt?

By our post excerpt block you can keep HTML in the post excerpt, please check this documentation.

How to display post excerpt from meta fields?

You can display post excerpts from meta fields by our post excerpt block, we have also added integration to display third-party plugins post meta fields data to post exceprt, please check this documentation

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