Best Post Title Block Plugin for WordPress

Create SEO optimized WordPress post title, Creative post title block, Informative post title block, Actionable and Dynamic post title for WordPress, A/B Testing Post Titles, UTM Tracking and More.

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List Of Features

  • CSS library for each element
  • Custom wrapper tag
  • Post Title link target
  • Post Title link to custom URL
  • Styles Component for each element
  • Block Transform feature
  • Custom prefix option Pro!
  • Custom postfix option Pro!
  • A/B test text Pro!
  • UTM tracking Pro!
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!
  • Post Title text limit by word
  • Post Title text limit by character
  • Custom Attributes on Post Title
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Block Variations
  • CSS Library
  • Current Date – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Term Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Post Term Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Author Name – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Rankmath Title – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Search Terms – dynamic class name Pro!
  • Author Mail – dynamic URL Pro!
  • Author Meta – dynamic URL Pro!
  • Custom Field – dynamic URL Pro!
  • Absolute Custom URL Pro!
  • Limit by chracter Pro!
  • Advanced CSS property Pro!


Variety of Link to Options

You can easily set a custom URL or choose from other dynamic sources such as the post URL, home URL, author URL, etc. Below, we’ve listed all the available options for linking your post title.

  • Post URL
  • Home URL
  • Post Author URL
  • Post Author Link Field
  • Post Author Mail
  • Post Author Meta field
  • Custom Field Value
  • Custom URL

Advanced Prefix and Postfix

The prefix and postfix option lets you add custom text before and after the post title without editing the main post title text. This way you can take advantage of writing creative, SEO-optimized and informative post titles.

Limit By Options

If your post-title text is cluttered and difficult to fit in a small area you can use our limit by word or character feature to have complete control over your post title.

Block Variation Library

Our Block Variations library offer an efficient way to design existing post title without the need to create entire new block from scratch.

Custom Wrapper Tags

Sometimes, it’s essential to customize the wrapper tag to match the design or from an SEO perspective. We have included h1 to h6SpanDiv, and tag that you can choose from.

Dynamic Class

Dynamic class feature for our post title gutenberg block is useful if you want to change the style dynamically. For example if you set the Current Year option the class name will change depending on the year changes.

UTM Tracking

We have implemented UTM(Urchin Tracking Module) feature so you can gain valuable insights into how users discover and interact with your post title.

Custom Attributes

Our post title block allow you to add multiple attributes without writing any code. Sometimes it’s useful for creating advanced SEO-optimized post titles and JavaScript uses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why post title is important?

Post Title is mainly important to grab users attention and improve SEO. A well-written title will be eye-catching, informative, and relevant to your target audience. And search engines use post titles to index content and determine its relevance to search queries.

How long should post titles be?

The ideal length for a post title is 50-60 characters. However, there are some cases where it may be necessary to have a longer post title.

Is the title important for SEO?

Surely, an optimized title is essential for improving SEO and click-through rates on your site. An optimized title length should be 50-60 characters and include targeted keywords.

How to link the post title with the Author’s Meta values?

You can link the “Post Title” to the “Author Meta Values” using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you link the “Post Title” to the Author’s Meta Values.

How to link post titles with Custom URLs?

You can link the “Post Title” to the “Custom URL” using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you link the “Post Title” to the Custom URL.

How to link the post title with the Author Link?

You can link the “Post Title” to the “Author Link” using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you link the “Post Title” to the Author Link.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Post Title?
  1. Pick a hot topic people are searching for.
  2. Use strong words, numbers, or questions to grab attention.
  3. Briefly explain what your post is about.
  4. Keep it short, less than 60 characters, ideally.
How to Write Viral Headlines?
  1. Know your audience’s interests and problems.
  2. Use strong words and spark curiosity.
  3. Be clear and concise.
  4. Numbers and lists work well.
  5. Think like a searcher.
  6. Try different options and see what clicks.
How to Use Dynamic Year and Month in your Post Title?

While the default Gutenberg post title block doesn’t offer dynamic date options, there’s a powerful solution available! The Combo Blocks plugin features a super-flexible “Post Title” block with custom prefix and postfix options. This allows you to effortlessly add dynamic year and month to your post titles.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Install and activate the Combo Blocks plugin.
  2. Open your post or create a new one.
  3. In the block inserter, search for and insert the “Post Title” block from Combo Blocks.
  4. Click on the “Block Settings” panel.
  5. Under “Prefix” or “Postfix,” click the “Add” button and select “Current Year” to dynamically display the current year.
  6. Repeat the same process for “Current Month” if you want to add both year and month.

Voila! Your post titles now automatically display the current date, making them more informative and organized.

Get Started Building Fantastic Blogs, News Magazine Websites, and More!

Using the Combo Blocks Gutenberg plugin, you may create the websites of your dreams.