Best Product Info Block Plugin for WordPress

Display WordPress Product Info, Customize Product Info Styles, Gutenberg Product Info Block Plugin, Product Info Prefix, Product Info Postfix, and More.

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4.5 Star Rating

2,531,647+ Total Downloads

List Of Features

  • Custom Wrapper Tag
  • Dynamic Class Pro!
  • Custom Class Support
  • Custom Text Element
  • Dynamic Weight Element
  • Dynamic Length Element
  • Custom Icon Pro!
  • Dynamic Width Element
  • Dynamic Height Element
  • Dynamic Dimensions Element
  • Custom Prefix
  • Custom Postfix
  • Advnaced Style Component
  • Product Element Attributes Pro!
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Block Variation
  • CSS Library
  • Advanced CSS property Pro!
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!


Dynamic Product Info

You can display dynamic product information with options to customize icon, prefix, and postfix. We’ve added support for product elements like –

  • Text
  • Weight
  • Length
  • Width
  • Height
  • Dimensions
  • Custom Attributes
  • Custom Meta Fields

Custom Style for Prefix and Postfix

Different styles offer greater flexibility when designing the appearance of your product info prefix and postfix. We’ve included our Style Component under the prefix and postfix option so you can create a unique and user-friendly design.

Custom Icon With Position Option

Sometimes it’s important to have the control to customize icon position to create a more balanced and visually appealing layout. Not only we’ve options to set a custom icon but also you can customize the icon position.

Custom Attributes

Custom attributes let you include information that goes beyond the basic description. For example, you could add details like size, color, material, or warranty information for clothing items.

Custom Meta Fields

With WooCommerce, you can provide additional information on your products that goes beyond the basics. This could include size guides or warranty information. Our product info block allows you to retrieve that custom data by simply entering a meta key and styling it to your liking. You have the freedom to personalize the wrapper tag, add colors, fonts and more.

Custom Wrapper Tag

It’s essential to customize the wrapper tag to match the design or from an SEO perspective. There is an option to customize the wrapper tag on both the Product Info wrapper and the items section. We have included h1 to h6SpanDivPUlOl, and Li tag that you can choose from.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is product information important?

Product information is vital for a positive customer experience. By providing accurate details, you empower customers to make informed decisions, reduce their purchase anxiety, and build trust in your brand. 

What is product details?

product detail page (PDP) is the lifeblood of any e-commerce website. It’s where customers go to learn everything they need to know about a particular product before making a purchase.

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Using the Combo Blocks Gutenberg plugin, you may create the websites of your dreams.