Best Product SKU Block Plugin for WordPress

Best WordPress Product SKU Block Plugin, Display Product SKU with Gutenberg Block, Custom Style On Product SKU, Product SKU Prefix, Product SKU Postfix and More.

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4.5 Star Rating

2,531,647+ Total Downloads

List Of Features

  • Custom Wrapper Tag
  • Dynamic Class Pro!
  • Custom Class Support
  • Custom SKU Text
  • Font Awesome Icon Pro!
  • IconFont Support Pro!
  • Bootstrap Icon Support Pro!
  • Icon Position Options Pro!
  • Custom Prefix Pro!
  • Custom Postfix
  • Advanced Style Component
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector Pro!
  • Block Variations
  • CSS Library
  • In-built pro block variations Pro!


Custom Prefix & Postfix

Our custom prefix and postfix options let you add custom text before and after Product SKU. This way, you can take advantage of creating flexible content to enhance a better user experience.

Custom Icon & Position Option

Sometimes it’s important to have the control to customize icon position to create a more balanced and visually appealing design. Not only we’ve options to set a custom icon but also you can customize the icon position.

Advance Style Component

We have included a maximum number of CSS properties on our Styles Component. This Styles feature is so advanced that you can also customize CSS states like hover and add styles.

Custom Class

Custom classes are important to make your HTML design more modular, reusable, and maintainable. We’ve the option to put custom classes on our “Product SKU” Gutenberg block.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is product SKU?

A product SKU, which stands for Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique alphanumeric code assigned by a retailer to identify and track a specific product in their inventory. It’s like a fingerprint for each variation of a product, helping businesses keep tabs on things like size, color, price, and manufacturer.

How to get product SKU in WooCommerce?

When you click on the edit option for an individual product, you can access all available settings. Scroll down to the “Inventory” section, where you will find the option to set a SKU for your WooCommerce product.

Do I need a SKU in WooCommerce?

It is highly recommended for WooCommerce stores to use SKUs, which serve as unique product identifiers, simplify inventory management, and improve SEO through better schema markup.