Post Title

See live demo for all the available settings for the ‘post title‘ Gutenberg block.

Feature Demo – Link To

Easily link your post title to a custom URL or other dynamic sources such as the home URL, author URL, post URL, etc.

Link To – “No Link”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

Feature Demo – Prefix and Postfix

Display a custom prefix or postfix with your dynamic post title, and have complete control over where these additions appear within the title.

Best SEO Tools
In 2024

Postfix Text

Post Title: Best SEO Tools
Postfix: In 2024
10 Best
Furniture Stores
In 2024

Prefix & Postfix Text

Prefix: 10 Best
Post Title: Furniture Stores
Postfix: In UK
Best Affiliates Tools

Prefix Text

Post Title: Best Affiliates Tools
Prefix: [Review]

Feature Demo – UTM Tracking

Our UTM tracking feature involves using specific tags in URLs to monitor traffic sources accurately. These parameters provide insights into the origin and volume of web traffic, such as which websites or social media platforms generate the most visits.

UTM Parameters


Feature Demo – HTML Wrapper Tag

You can easily customize the HTML wrapper tag for your post title and structure your content for search engines! By using appropriate heading tags (h1-h6), you send clear signals and help to understand the importance of your post titles to search engines.

HTML Wrapper – “h1”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “h2”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “h3”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “h4”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “h5”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “h6”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “span”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “div”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

HTML Wrapper – “p”

How to Calculate Your Sales Growth Rate

Feature Demo – A/B Test

Our A/B test feature is a communication experiment that compares two or more versions of a post title. It’s a common technique used in marketing and web optimization to see which version performs better.

A/B Test

Original Post Title: Post Title

A/B Test One: Best SEO Tools in 2024

A/B Test Two: The 9 best SEO tools in 2024

Feature Demo – Limit By Word/Character

Our post title character/word limit is a helpful feature for maintaining clean layouts and improving search engine visibility. Long titles can disrupt the visual flow of your website and may get truncated in search engine results pages (SERPs). By limiting title length, we ensure that the most important keywords are displayed, potentially increasing click-through rates.

Best SEO Tools

Limit By Word

Post Title: Best SEO Tools In 2024
Limit Count: 3
Best SEO Tool

Limit By Character

Post Title: Best SEO Tools In 2024
Limit Count: 13