Post Comment Count

See live demo for all the available settings for the ‘post comment count‘ Gutenberg block.

Feature Demo – Custom Label

Post commnet count number is dynamic and stored in %s variable, you can easily create a csutom label with dynamic data on a customizale input.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur cursus sapien felis, cursus rutrum velit dictum vel.
Azizul Raju
0 Comment

Custom Label

Post Count Number: %s
Label: %s Comment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur cursus sapien felis, cursus rutrum velit dictum vel.
Azizul Raju
This post has 0 comment

Custom Label

Post Count Number: %s
Label: This post has %s comment

Feature Demo – Prefix and Postfix

After creating a custom label, you still have the chance to add a prefix or postfix.

Custom Prefix

Post Count Number: %s
Label: This post has %s comment
Added Prefix: Note!

Best SEO Tools In 2024

Note! This post has 0 comment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris mattis sodales quam ac laoreet. Aenean eget leo tempor, laoreet augue sollicitudin, eleifend tortor.

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Custom Postfix

Post Count Number: %s
Label: %s comment
Added Postfix: at the moment!

Best SEO Tools In 2024

0 comment at the moment!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris mattis sodales quam ac laoreet. Aenean eget leo tempor, laoreet augue sollicitudin, eleifend tortor.

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Feature Demo – Ready-made Block Variations

Under Block Variations, you will find ready-made designs to use. These variations are helpful for easily designing a beautiful block within seconds.

Comment Count With Icon and Postfix


Comment Count No Background


Comment Count With Icon


Comment Count Rounded Style

0 Comment

Comment Count Semi-rounded Style

0 Comment

Comment Count, Icon and Postfix Style


Comment Count Wrapper Border