Best Read More Block Plugin for WordPress

Create Customize Read More Button Styles, Best WordPress Read More Button, Gutenberg Read More Button Block Plugin, Visually Appealing Read More Buttons and More.

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List Of Features

  • CSS library for each element
  • Custom wrapper tag
  • Link option
  • Custom URL setting
  • Link target option
  • Block Transform feature
  • Custom prefix text
  • Custom postfix text
  • In-built pro block variations
  • Current Date – dynamic class name
  • Term Title – dynamic class name
  • Custom Read More text
  • Custom Attributes option
  • Custom Icon
  • Different icons library
  • Icon position setting
  • Post Term Title – dynamic class name
  • Author Name – dynamic class name
  • Rankmath Title – dynamic class name
  • Search Terms – dynamic class name
  • Custom class support
  • Styles Component for each element
  • Advanced CSS pseudo selector
  • Block Variations
  • CSS Library
  • Author Mail – dynamic URL
  • Author Meta – dynamic URL
  • Custom Field – dynamic URL
  • Absolute Custom URL
  • Advanced CSS property
  • UTM Tracking

Various ‘Link’ Options To Update URL

Our ‘Read More’ block allows you to customize the text and add a dynamic or custom URL to create a button or plain link. Below, we have listed all the linking options that we have added.

  • No URL
  • Author Link
  • Post URL
  • Author Mail
  • Home URL
  • Author Meta
  • Author URL
  • Custom Field
  • Custom URL

Custom Prefix and Postfix

By adding a custom prefix or postfix, you can personalize your link or button text to make it user-friendly. Additionally, by including specific styles into the prefix and postfix, you can give your button a unique and creative appearance.

Dynamic Class

When adding a dynamic class (for example, the current year option) to a link or button, the class name will automatically change depending on the year. As a result, the specified CSS for that particular class name will also be applied. This way, the button’s appearance will automatically change every year.

Custom Wrapper Tag

For your link or button wrapper, you can use any custom HTML tag from h1 to h6, div, or p. This feature could be helpful from a design perspective.

Custom Icon Option

To make your link or button more user-friendly, you should incorporate an icon. This can enhance the visual appeal of your design, making it more engaging and attractive.

Custom Attributes

Sometimes, custom attributes are useful for JavaScript uses. You’re free to add as many attributes as you want.

UTM Tracking

We have implemented UTM tracking to monitor your overall marketing strategy. You can experiment with different campaigns and monitor the results to optimize your marketing efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Read More tag in WordPress is a feature that allows you to display a short summary or excerpt of a post, followed by a link that says “Read More” or “Continue Reading.”

HTML links are traditionally underlined to indicate to users that they are clickable and will take them to another web page.

You can use CSS to underline text on a web page by setting the “text-decoration” property to “underline” for the desired HTML element.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

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