Docs Category Read More

How to style Read More?

You can style the “Read More” using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you to style the read more. To begin, insert the “Read More” block. Click on the “Read More” tab. You can customize the “Color” and “Background Color”…

How to style icon for Read More?

You can customize the “Read More” icon using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you style the “Read More” icons. To begin, insert the “Read More” block. Click on the “Icon” tab. Click on Choose Icon button to select the…

How to set icon for Read More?

You can set an icon for the “Read More” using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you to set an icon for “read more.” To begin, insert the “Read More” block. Click on the “Icon” tab. Click on Choose Icon…

How to change Wrapper Tag for Read More?

You can customize the “Read More” wrapper tag using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you to customize the “read more” wrapper tag. To begin, insert a “Read More” block. Click on the “Wrapper” tab. Here, you can change…

How to set custom text for Read More?

Using the Combo Blocks plugin, you can style custom front text to the “Read More.” This article will help you to style the custom “post date.” To begin, insert the “Read More” block. Click on the “Read More” tab. You can set custom…

How to link Read More to custom fields?

You can link the “Read More” to the “Custom Feild Values” using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you link the “Post Date” to the Custom Field values. To begin, insert the “Read More” block. Click on the “Read More” tab.…

How to link Read More to URL?

You can link a custom URL to “Read More” using the Combo Blocks plugin. This article will help you to link the Read More to a custom URL. To begin, insert a “Read More” block. Click on the “Read More” tab. Now choose…