With the Combo Blocks plugin “Terms Query” block, you can easily create a category slider with flexible options and apply styles that fit your needs.
To display query results in a slider format, you need to insert our Content Slider block.
Open the List View and select the Content Slider. Then, click on the block inserter to add the ‘Terms Query’ block inside the ‘Content Slider’.
Let’s delete any ‘Content Slider Item‘ created because we’ll use terms query results as a slider item in the “Content Slider”.
Now select the ‘Terms Query’ from the List View and excluede the wrapper tag. This action will enable the inheritance of all slider styles from the Content Slider.
For the slider to function properly, set the class splide__slide to the Terms Query item option.
Automatically generate all added options by selecting the Content Slider option from the List View. After saving, check the fully functional category slider on the front end.
If you encounter any issues with these instructions or require assistance, please create a support ticket on our forum.