How to display prefix and postfix for terms field?

With the Combo Blocks plugin “Terms Field” block, you can easily display prefix and postfix for your terms field.

To start, insert the “Terms Query” block as the ‘Terms Field‘ block is only accessible inside the Terms Query.

Now perform a query using the Query Terms.

Select the Terms Field inner block from the List View, and for example select the ‘Slug’ option from the Terms Field settings. You can retrieve other fields like name, term ID, description, etc. from the Terms Field.

Scroll down to the block settings and locate the options for prefix and postfix. In these fields, you can enter your own custom prefix and select the position where it will be displayed.

When editing, the prefix and postfixes may not show up correctly, but it will display the expected result on the front-end after saving the page.

Now you should able to display prefix or postfix for your terms field. For assistance, please create a support ticket on our forum.

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