How to create Filterable Post Grid? (Shortcode Version)

Our Combo Blocks plugin will help you create a filterable grid with extensive flexibility. If you’re familiar with Gutenberg, then read this article. We also provide a Filterable Grid block to make your task easier.

It’s recommended to watch the video as it’ll be easier for you to understand.

From the left sidebar, click on the “Combo Blocks” menu.

Click the “Add New” button.

Insert a post grid title, e.g., “Filterable Post Grid.”

Now click the “Filterable” option.

From the “Post Taxonomies & terms” section, now select “Categories (category)” and expand it.

Insert terms or category names to filter them.

Click the “Publish” button to publish the “Filterable Post Grid.”

Now copy the shortcode from the “All Post Grid” menu.

Now paste the shortcode on your page and enjoy Filterable Post Grid.