How to customize Summary text?

With the Combo Blocks plugin for WooCommerce, the “Product Ratings” block offers seamless customization options. This includes setting personalized summary text to accurately reflect product ratings, alongside the flexibility to apply styles that align perfectly with your brand aesthetics. Whether you want to emphasize specific aspects of your product ratings or ensure they blend harmoniously with your website’s design, the intuitive interface of the plugin empowers you to tailor every detail effortlessly. By leveraging this feature, you can enhance user experience and effectively showcase the credibility of your products through visually appealing and informative rating displays.

To begin, insert our “Product Ratings” block.

Open the right sidebar block settings and select a premade summary template from the ‘Summary‘ option panel.

A custom summary can be created by selecting Summary Type as Custom. Dynamic data like rating count, review count, average rating, and product title can be used.

You can customize the appearance of your summary text by applying styles from the Styles tab.

After completing these steps, you will be able to set a custom summary text and apply your preferred style. If you still require assistance, please create a support ticket on our forum.