How to display post comment count?

You can easily display the post comment count using our “Post Comment Count” block by the Combo Blocks plugin. You can customize the ‘Wrapper Tag’, add a custom Label, Icon, Prefix, and Postfix. Also, it’s relatively easy to add CSS styles with our ‘Styles Component’.

To begin, insert our “Post Comment Count” block.


Now, you can customize the wrapper tag from the Wrapper option panel. We have a variety of option tag support.


By default, all approved comment counts will be displayed. But you can easily customize this option under “Comment Count.” From Comment Status, you have a variety of options to choose from.


Also, there is an option to add custom Label. The %s acts like a variable for dynamic comment count data.

To add an icon, navigate the “Icon” option panel. And you will have a variety of options to choose from.


Also, from the “Styles” tab, you can easily add style to the icon. 


That’s how you can display and customize the comment count by using our “Post Comment Count” block. If you still need help, please create a support ticket on our forum.